Then a few weeks ago, yahoo had a teaser trailer for the Twilight and I clicked on it, it was good, but nothing great. What really got me was the fact that the movies doesn’t come out until Dec. 12th, I thought to myself why are they promoting this movie so much, what’s the big freaking deal, it doesn’t have any major star, not that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson aren’t great, but if you don’t tell someone that she was Jodie Foster’s daughter in “Panic Room” or that he was that guy who stole Harry’s girl and died at the end of the 4th Harry Porter movie, they wouldn’t have any idea who you were talking about and you still might have to do a imdatabase search. Anyways, the book series is something of a phenomenon, not as big as Harry Potter but if you are a teenage girl it might be just as awesome, to you. So, I made another mental note of the title and author and went to the store, this time I check it out right away because I wanted to know what the big deal was. Boy, do I understand it now, it a pretty easy ready, it’s for young adult (hey, don’t look at me that way, I watch cartoons and read comic books, I think a book from the young adult section isn’t a big stretch for an almost 30 year old).
I know, people are going to totally hate me for this, but I have to say that I loved “New Moon”, I’m mad crazy about Jacob Black. I hope more than anything that the first movie makes enough of an impact so that they can make the rest of the books into movies, so I can see Jacob Black in action, (please oh please, don’t let it suck and be like that Blood and Chocolate movie) I can already see from the Twilight trailer that there are some difference but it’s not a nearly as off as Blood and Chocolate was from the book.
*Side Note, "Blood and Chocolate"
My only concern with the "Twilight" movie (and hopefully future movies) is when it comes to Jacob Black, the actor they got to play him, Taylor Lautner (I have nothing against the kid). I think he’s looks perfect for the part of Jacob in “Twilight”. But if they make the rest of the books into movies, I don’t think he can physically handle the part of Jake, as the books go on Jake keeps getting bigger and bigger, by the end of the 3rd book, he’s 6’7”. I don’t care how much Taylor bulks up for the role, he is not going to reach 6’7”. I guess, with camera tricks they will be able to do something, but still. I could see it, if his size wasn’t a big deal in the books, if it was only mentioned in passing, but it’s constantly brought up throughout the book, that everyone compared to Jake looks like a doll.
Anyways, as you can tell I totally recommend reading the series. It’s funny, cute, and addictive, it’s a totally soap opera like “Dark Shadows” or “Passions”. It reminds me of that Hana Kimi series I told you about before; but, it’s probably closer to “Peach Girl” a anime and manga series about a girl who’s in love with 2 guys and the evil chick that tries to make her life miserable. “Peach Girl” has the same OMG they are so cute factor, but the main characters aren't nearly as selfish as they are in "Twilight", well most of them aren't. I almost didn’t finish the "Peach Girl" because by the end of disc 1, I get so tired of the evil chick Sae (she really is a *itch!) that I can’t stand to watch her, but it ended on a cliffhanger and I just had to watch the next one and I’m gal I did, it was a good series and another total soap opera.
I’m so obsessed, I loved it, bring on books 4 Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga, Book 4)
Hello. And Bye.